Is your morning fast or slow?
I have recently been diagnosed with microvascular ischemia. Basically, my heart freaks out, pumps too fast too hard, and my coronary arteries spasm.
The first feeling I get when I wake up is chest pain followed by the huge elephant that sits on my chest. Breathing can be a challenge. Well, deep breaths are hard. I feel like I ran a race without running a race.
When I take my four heart pills in the morning, everything slows down nicely in my body. I can breathe better, my chest pain will move to a small dull ache, and the elephant goes back to the zoo.
Feeling the change in my body shift from spastic to steady gave me some insight into life.
So many times I would wake up and jump right into chores like loading the dishwasher or unloading. Or I would rush to make coffee, feed the dogs, and jump online to start work early even though I was not required to log in yet.
Starting the day from a place of crazy or too fast lays down a wobbly foundation. I need to remember that I should start from a steady place.
Just like my heart needs to be calmed down. So does my mind.
What does your daily routine look like?